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Television Spec Scripts:

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Happy, Grumpy, Lucky, Mom


Logline:  A double agent unleashes cloaked assassination drones on Coulson and his team on the same day MI6 sends Agent May's mother to conduct an evaluation of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s recovery.

Black Widows - Pilot


Logline:  When the C.I.A. refuses to provide information about five missing agents, their wives form a covert team of unlikely operatives who, in the search for their husbands, discover a series of sinister global organizations that seek to establish a New World Order. 

Television Pilots:

Shadow Ring - Pilot (in progress)


Logline:  To end a centuries-old war between the living and the undead, a powerful warlock halts his planet's rotation, forcing the undead to flee to eternal darkness and the living to eternal daylight, trapping many, including the warlock's daughter, on the wrong side of the planet. 

Higher Education - Pilot (in progress)


Logline:  With no family, job, or money, a professional poker player and recovering sex addict faces a mid-life crisis by becoming a high school drama teacher, his rebellious nature exposing the brutal antagonism between teachers, parents, students, and administrators in today's modern high school.


The Adventures of Vagabond & Vixen (script available)

BlueCat Semifinalist - top 2% of 4494 scripts


Logline:  A struggling comic book artist finds success when he chronicles the creation of his own superhero identity, going from vigilante hero to prime suspect as he tracks a serial killer through a hellish metropolis.

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